
Call 888-480-0418 Text 888-480-0418

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πŸ“ž Toll-Free Number Detected

The phone number you entered is a toll-free number, typically used for businesses to allow customers to contact them without incurring call charges. These numbers are widely used for customer support, inquiries, and services.


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Phone Number
National Format
Country Code

Caller Type
Carrier Name
Phone Type
Apple iMessage StatusNot Registered
Raw Number8884800418
Basic Format888-480-0418
NPA (Area Code)888
Telco CarrierUnknown Provider
Rate CenterUnknown Rate Center
OCN (Carrier Number)Unknown OCN
Call TypeUnknown Type
Number AssignmentStatus Unavailable


Submit Report:

Anonymous User from Redlands, CA

November 12, 2023

Credit Repair/Debt Relief
I received a recall in the mail so I call San Bernardino All Star Kia made and appointment at this time my check engine light came on I was told be the service righter Isaac Becrra that the recall was done and the found I need a new intake manifold I asked would theis fix my car and shut my check engine light It would coast $1500.00 part and labor so told him go ahead and fix it . 3 days later he call s me and ask me to come in so I do he shows me my motor in pieces and now tells me that the part they told me would fix it did not work and I said what do I do now and he said it needs a new motor now if it did why would you put a new part on the motor if the motor was bad needless to say I got the back pedal and a run around and had to have my car towed out of the dealer but before paying $1500.00 I hope this helps other people not to get scammed . D.Dixon
735 west show case drive north San Bernardino San Bernardino, CA 92408
Email: [email protected]

Stylized Number Format

BoldπŸ–πŸ–πŸ–-πŸ’πŸ–πŸŽ-πŸŽπŸ’πŸπŸ– [click to copy]
Full-Width888-οΌ”οΌ˜οΌ-οΌοΌ”οΌ‘οΌ˜ [click to copy]
Superscript⁸⁸⁸-⁴⁸⁰-⁰⁴¹⁸ [click to copy]
Subscriptβ‚ˆβ‚ˆβ‚ˆ-β‚„β‚ˆβ‚€-β‚€β‚„β‚β‚ˆ [click to copy]
Enclosed Alphanumerics⑧⑧⑧-④⑧β“ͺ-β“ͺ④①⑧ [click to copy]
Mathematical Bold𝟴𝟴𝟴-𝟰𝟴𝟬-𝟬𝟰𝟭𝟴 [click to copy]
Mathematical ItalicπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺ-𝟦πŸͺ𝟒-𝟒𝟦𝟣πŸͺ [click to copy]
Mathematical Sans-Serif𝟾𝟾𝟾-𝟺𝟾𝟢-𝟢𝟺𝟷𝟾 [click to copy]
Emoji8️⃣8️⃣8️⃣-4️⃣8️⃣0️⃣-0️⃣4️⃣1️⃣8️⃣ [click to copy]
Spelled Out eight eight eight - four eight zero - zero four one eight [click to copy]

Using these number formats when publishing your phone number online can help reduce spam calls/texts by making it harder for scammers to copy your number

Neighboring Numbers (Commonly Searched): 888-480-0403 | 888-480-0437 | 888-480-0443