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Raw Number7043615783
Basic Format704-361-5783
NPA (Area Code)704
Telco CarrierMETROPCS, INC.
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Submit Report:

Anonymous User from Downey, CA

April 29, 2024

Our main job is to provide traffic services for comprehensive professional services such as hotel evaluation, promotion, star rating, ranking, etc. on the (Vrbo) workbench. The work is very simple. The company's workbench is open from 10:00 am to 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time every day. 10:00 p.m., a period of work that can be completed in less than an hour. The work is very simple, just use your mobile phone or computer. As for working time and location, it is your own time and your own goals, which means you can work remotely without any restrictions. Do you accept the nature of this work and working hours? If I can, I will continue to introduce you to more work situations go ahead The job is so easy to get started that you can do it even if you don’t have any experience. Our role is hotel data uploader. We use the (Vrbo) platform to provide traffic services to hotels. Specifically, we are responsible for evaluating and rating hotels and providing the means to upload real IP and device data. This helps increase the hotel's visibility and ranking in the corresponding star rating system. This is a promotional marketing method that can help hotels attract more tourists and improve customer satisfaction The process of optimizing hotel procedures is to increase occupancy and praise rates! The company will provide the URL of the work platform. We register a work account and complete work through this platform every day. There is an ASO system on the platform that helps us get the job done, so we only need to click optimization to complete our daily work. Ok'd Is there anything you don't understand about this job? If not, I will introduce you to the salary package of this job Me: As long as I am not familiar with some of the jargon U use but based on your own description that do not requiere any experience I was working in the past a maintenance engineer, so I feel very confortable to perform any task I have to do Her BrVo Our salary structure has two methods: basic salary plus commission. Basic salary is paid 4 times a month, and commission rewards can be withdrawn every day. Complete two sets of tasks every day and receive 100 USDT for 2 consecutive working days. If you sign in for five consecutive days, you can get 800 USDT; if you sign in for 15 consecutive days, you can get 1,500 USDT; if you sign in for 30 consecutive days, you can get 3,800 USDT. Our daily workstation will complete 2-3 groups of tasks every day, each package has 30 tasks. We need to complete at least 2 sets of tasks within one day before we can sign in for a working day This is the basic salary, not counting the basic profit from completing tasks every day. About 50USDT or more can be withdrawn directly to the account Are you following this? If you have any questions please let me know. If not, then I will start training you. It only takes 40-60 minutes to complete the task every day. After completing the task, you can sign in to the working day. I'm going to need a training account to teach you through this process, how we upload the data, and how we make money from it. This way you will have more understanding. Do you have about 30 minutes of training time now? Me: I understand I have to release personal Information to whoever is in the other site of this chat, right? but I do not have any hard reference of who the company, the trust it provides ad the confidentiality of my personal info, how can I may confirm who do you or the company are? Her: www.Vrbo.com This is the company's website You can check it out and think about it first. at the end every day "you supposedly make some money but in order to continuo with the job every day they ask you to "balance the excessive negatives and supposedly at the end of the day or the end of your task you collect all the money you input plus your "salary" but if you make 100 next day you have to deposit 100 to star again and if you "make" $300. next day they require $500 but the amounts keep growing and growing the last time, they ask me to deposit 7800 money that i do not have so they keep all my money and "salary" until I deposit the 7800 with the risk that before i get a penny i have to deposit $20,000 or $30,000 or even more I have no idea if they have limit to the amount they ask you to "deposit"
www.travelvrbo-chn.com/ - [domain information]

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